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a new thing…

Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength…

I have been quiet. In a waiting. In a season of loss—loss of another home, another community, another country, another place of ministry, loss of friendships, of dreams, of seeing deep things of God’s heart. In a season of transition—packing and unpacking, re-starting, comforting little hearts, trusting, praying, hoping, watching, setting up another home in another foreign land…praying for vision. In a season of fear—attacks from the enemy over our children, over my own health, over the uncertainty and the lack of control. In a season of watching—watching God heal, watching him answer even the deepest prayers, watching him bring new life from the ashes, watching him spring up before us with love, vision and renewed hope to pour out our lives…watching him bring person after person into our lives.   In a season of restoration and rebuilding…the broken places being re-shaped, the weary places receiving new life, the dry places receiving rain and light and hope again…

Not too many words to be written, but only to be offered up quietly to the ONE who holds all of this in His sovereign, loving hands.


And then, it’s as if the dawn broke…a new morning came. New mercies awoke my spirit. I sensed it coming. Healing had come—He was working it out in each of us…but suddenly He spoke through the bright eyed face of my son…he spoke it out into my spirit,

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Isaiah Asher, woke me up. God used him to awaken something in me that has been laid down for awhile. My spirit jumped when I laid eyes on this little boy whom I instantly loved. He resurrected something in me….this baby is JOY…it is the ‘gladness’ of God in my arms. It is irresistible and contagious…it is free and unmerited. IT is good and pure. It is delight and grace.

I sense that Isaiah marks a fresh place in our lives here in Uganda. IT is a new beginning. It is a place of sanctuary and joy. A place of laughter and LOVE. Refocusing. Re-peaceing…of our family and our hearts. It is a re-aligning with the things I love…simplicity, love, surrender, offering, worship, family, laughter, and joy…

We Wait…and HE lets us soar.

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