With Dave gone…but my LOVE for Advent, God inspired me with some new ideas to keep our hearts’ focus on JESUS…and celebrating…and being together this Christmas. The countdown to Christmas has given the kids something to look forward to each day and it has helped me pace myself a bit…(not too much fun all at once 🙂 We are super excited to celebrate Jesus’ birthday and super excited that Daddy will be here to celebrate the last week of Advent and CHRISTMAS!! Praise God!!

very focused children stringing popcorn...

Isn't this amazing?!?! My sweet neighbor made this Santa BREAD!! This is a true art 🙂

The KIDS LOVED putting shoes out for St. Nick Night!! Candy first thing in the morning made for a Happy Evie-bear!!

Sugar cookie fun...this one is always a stretch to keep the joy 🙂 but the kids absolutely love cookie making (eating!!)

Picnic by the tree!!

25 Days to Advent has been a really special focus for me and the kids...we've done a special activity together each day of Advent to stay focused and excited for Jesus!! This one was Ella's favorite...a slumber party by our Tree 🙂

We made home made Hot Cocoa and these cute snowman jars to bless our teachers and neighbors!!

CUTE Evie...making a fun craft with her friends...

Caleb and his buddy....oh, I'm sorry--the Warriors!

The kids and I got to go on a super special date with Grandma to see Peter Pan!!

Ella fractured a little bone in her ankle...poor bug..but she and Riah are bonding with their boots!