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Another Miraculous life…

Ficker“…means “Love”…here she is.  Only by the LOVE of the FATHER.

She was born while Dave was gone on his outreach to the South.  As the helicopter landed, a nurse from the hospital came out and met Dave–sharing with him that one of the other doctors at our hospital had delivered her baby early…she wasn’t even 27 weeks…

Her birthweight was 750 grams…not even 2 cans of Coke.

She was born a day before being 27 weeks.  Three and a half months early.  In the States, she would have a 70% chance of living.  But it is God who chooses.  Here, in most places, if a baby is born before 28 weeks, no intervention will be given…the baby wrapped and handed to the parents until they pass away.

Our OBGYN, Dr. Mark Karnes, was able to give steroids and care to this sweet mommy and baby before she entered the world, giving her lungs a little extra strength.  Dave has been daily caring for this little life and adjusting her fluids a milliliter at a time.

Today, Baby Ficker, reached 29 weeks.  This is truly a miracle.  Her life is still very much in the balance, each moment.  God’s grace and strength are needed for her to grow and develop.  She is now 880 grams…not even 2 pounds.

Will you please pray for her?  Her family is trusting Jesus in a precious way and are showing incredible strength.  Their first daughter, who is now 4, was born at 28 weeks!  We sense God has a special plan for this family…and for showing HIS glory through them.


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