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Ayer Tribe…October

The Tribe has had a smooth and blessed transition back to life in Soddo. We have a sweet familiarity and simplicity to living our days here…they are happy and even Evie, re-entered with much less fear.  I’m so thankful for how God has called and equipped these beautiful gifts. He has a plan and a purpose for their lives and provides perfectly for them, wherever He leads us!    I think these kiddos have done a better job than Dave and I!! Truly, God is amazing in them.

The favorite (and local, and cheep) afternoon snack is POPCORN :)!! Even Selah has joined in the love of this time of day!  Here in Ethiopia popcorn, or another snack, called Kolo (roasted barley and peanuts) must be served alongside their coffee!!

Isn’t she darling?? We ADORE this spunky, full-of life, curious little girl!! She is BUSY!  Selah loves it here…she loves the puppies, the tortoises, the birds, the outdoors, our Ethiopian friends, her brother and sisters…she loves walking the dog at sunrise on Ella’s back!! She loves exploring and jumping on the trampoline, climbing tables, ladders, and almost anything!! She loves to lay her head on the cold concrete floors! She loves to dump out all the pencils, pens, chalk, paper, crafts, puzzles, legos…everything!!  She is already trying Injera and some Ethiopian Wats!! She has had quite a hard time adjusting with some tummy bugs and with the fleas, that really love her soft skin :(, but overall, she is a happy, delightful baby that WE ADORE!! How could you not?!?!?

We were so blessed to be invited to our friends’ home for one of the recent Holidays here in Ethiopa…the kids had a great time pounding the coffee beans and even enjoyed a cup of BUNA with our friends!! We ate some of the most delicious Ethiopia food, made by this beautiful lady, Kidist…Her husband, Paulos is our Amharic Coach…we’re so incredibly thankful for their friendship and partnership in ministry!!  MELKAM MESKEL!!

Reading is still one of our favorite things in our home…Selah is starting early!!

I have been asking the Lord how to include our family more in ministry here at SCH…sometimes the Lord answers so sweetly and so creatively.  Many times, it has placed me in awe at the thoughtfulness of other missionaries here.  My kids love going up to the Orthopedic ward on Fridays and just loving and playing with the inpatient kids.  What a sweet way for them to bless and GROW!!

Ella, especially delights in this time…she packs a bag of toys, art, nail polish, pipe cleaners, books…she is soooo creative and thinks of sweet ways to engage these kids–even when they can’t speak to each other!! I love this girl!!

We’re off to a great start in Classical Conversations this year.  GOD DID SOMETHING SO AMAZING!! I met a woman right before we went back to the States last year around this time, who was going to be moving about an hour away from us here in Soddo!! SHE HAS 5 CHILDREN (almost all boys!!) AND SHE TEACHES WITH CLASSICAL!! SO, once again, God has provided us a CC Community in SODDO ETHIOPIA!! Can you believe that?!?! It has been a gift, encouragement, accountability and FUN! They join us on Mondays for our NEW GRAMMAR, ART, SCIENCE, PRESENTATIONS…and yummy Ethiopian lunch!! Then, RECESS with 13 kiddos here on the compound!! THIS HAS BEEN SUCH A PROVISION for all of us!!

We are so blessed to have this grassy playground right out our front door…with lots of climbing trees and even a trampoline.  The kids love to ‘bust out’ as soon as school work is done.  On the weekends, we’ve been trying to play kick ball or baseball together, since we do have a good sized TEAM :)…We’re thankful for this season of re-entering into life, school, friendships, ministry and family time here in Soddo.  We are trusting God as we step day by day into a busy fall and winter season with lots of traveling for Dave and lots of family and friends visiting us here.  Happy FALL everyone!


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