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Boppa And Nanna…

Mom and Dad…Nanna and Boppa…

We love you so much.  I am amazed at God’s grace through you, at His love, and mercy over all of us.  I loved that we spend 6 weeks together in this cement castle here in Soddo and I did NOT want the time to be over.  I loved watching you embrace Ethiopia, embrace the people and the culture, the food, the mud, and what God is doing here.  I loved watching your hearts open wide to our kids–your grandkids.  I loved watching you read and snuggle, play games, do art, cook and explore with the kids.  I loved doing life with you here.  I loved knowing that you now KNOW–you know the rhythm and the daily struggle to hold our lives open to Jesus.  You know how we love, you know how we struggle, you know how we fall and how we keep getting up…you know how we’re all doing the same thing, really–just trying to be obedient and to love those He brings each day.

Thank you for loving us, despite who we are…thank you for entering in to our life here…thank you for loving and praying and understanding. Thank you for how you sacrifice–in all of us being here, but support us with your whole hearts.

I love you so deeply…

All 8 of us, love you so…


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