Here’s our countdowns…
2 DAYS until my Sweet Heart gets HOME!!
4 DAYS until the packers come…yikes!!
9 DAYS until my baby Evie turns ONE!!
God graciously carried us all through 3 weeks of Dave being away…Dave has been blessed with and INCREDIBLE time in the States (more on that later!) and I’ve had a GREAT time with the kids…But really quickly–just because this is SO amazing and SO God, I have to briefly share. There is another family in a very similar place…Dr. Dave is a Surgeon, his wife Karissa is a beautiful mom of 4 kids under the age of 5 and they are committed to serving the Lord overseas as well!! IT gets better. They are getting out of the Service the same month/year as us and are aiming to be in Soddo, ETHIOPIA right around the same time frame as us!! WELL, they are in San Antonio with Dave!! So, Dave and Dave have connected, prayed, laughed and encouraged each other–AND I got to Skype with Karissa and I LOVE LOVE her!! I think I could have talked with her all day!! ISN”T God SO AMAZING…HE IS ALREADY BUILDING HIS TEAM…and giving us a COMMUNITY and FAMILY to GO with!! I hope you can tell I’m excited!!
So….back to life at home while Dave’s been away…5 kids alone is alot…they are BUSY and we do not stop from 7 am until 8 pm…they wear me out…BUT
PLUS, I sorted through 26 drawers, 3 closets, 1 pantry, the kitchen, 3 bedrooms, our front yard (which maybe looks a little bit like we’re running our own daycare!), 2 bathrooms, i very cluttered homeschool room…We have rescued about 1000 roley-poleys, completely destroyed our front yard with the Slip ‘n Slide and had some fun at the POOL. YES! I did somehow take all five kids to the pool…(and I even jumped in and saved someone elses’ toddler from drowning in the kiddie pool!) AND–drum roll please….we’re two days away from finishing Homeschooling Kindergarten for Caleb and 1st Grade for Ella…
Ha!! I don’t know why I haven’t blogged more?!?! 🙂 anyway, once our packers come and
PHASE 1 of “MISSION Possible!”: Move the Ayer TRIBE back Stateside is complete, I’ll probably have time to write a bit more!!
LOVE to all of you!