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Deep JOY

15 December 2014


Eleven years ago, they handed me this miracle, screaming, with a head of dark, lovely hair. I rejoiced, was awed…and could have never imagined what God would do with her life…We named her Ella Joy, “Deep Joy.”

Today my baby girl is in the Southern Parts of Ethiopia with her Daddy, helping him reach the unreached, compassionately serving their medical needs, sleeping in a hut under the big Africa sky…and probably playing Frisbee with half naked children and drinking way-too strong coffee with salt mixed in…and loving every moment of it!

This girl has amazed my heart. Please pray for what God is doing in this Eleven-year-old’s heart…pray for what her eyes will SEE, what she will experience this week. Please pray that as God has entrusted her with so much, that she will be faithful to Him in it all. Oh the DEEP JOY that God gives in our Children…may they WALK WORTHY of their calling and bring their Father in Heaven deep, deep joy.


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