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Endangered People…

What if someone loved you enough to GO to the farthest places?? 

What if your children had nothing, and suddenly you heard everything? Hope.

What if God sent someone to show His compassion…to heal your wounds?

What if you were touched by someone who didn’t speak your language?  What if you received healing from someone who came out of the sky?

What if this big man–whose heart is as big as he is–stepped out and spoke to you in your language?? Told you of a God of Love.

What if you only knew this river, this life of survival?

What if you had never heard? Never known?

What if there were less than 1000 of your people group left on this earth?  Would any stop?  Would anyone riot? Would anyone tell the WORLD?

What if you were one of the ones called to pray?  Would you stop for a moment, now, and pray? Would you pray for this people–the K Tribe?

Would you pray for the men and the women and the children as they have the opportunity to HEAR God’s Word for the first time?

Would you pray that they would quickly open their hearts in faith?

Would you pray for Helimission, for Ben, for Dave, for Sophie, for Workene, for Markus, for Matthias…that God would use these faithful servants to share His love–to show HIS Mercy in the sky–to reach out with His hands of compassion, and to speak with LIFE SAVING Words?

Would you pray now that God would continue to provide and that this endangered people group would join us in heaven someday?

The only way to reach this people is to FLY with the incredible Helimission…if God has moved your heart to give and be a part of the K OUTREACH, you can give here and simply put a note for “Unreached Ministry”…thank you for partnering with Jesus to reach to the ends of the earth to ALL He loves so deeply.


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