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Ethiopia…The Day has finally arrived!!

D-Day is HERE!!

We are moving to Ethiopia TODAY!!

I woke with a whisper in my ear this morning…but Dave was still asleep!! Was Jesus waking me with His sweet voice?  I am thankful today.

Our car is packed…the kids are joyful…my stomach hurts…

God sweetly gave me a song this morning as I cried out to Him…I pray He is pleased, brought glory…I pray we live this next chapter well…

“The Lord goes Before you to show you the way, Behind you to protect you, Beside you to befriend you, Above you to watch over, Within you to give you PEACE.”

Here we GO…

OUT IN JOY and led forth IN PEACE.

We love you and covet your prayers as we fly to Germany…then on to Addis!


The Ayer Tribe


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