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Ethiopia to Uganda.

Leaving the land I had grown to love was a ripping, again.  Jesus’ words are always so perfect, aren’t they…”a seed must fall to the ground and die before it can spring up to new life…”

How many deaths, and laying downs, and letting go, and goodbyes must this life hold?  As we release a calling, a people, a team, a culture and country and another home that we deeply love, I am brought again to the place of humility and deep dependence…and gratitude.  In HIS presence there is FULLNESS of JOY.  HE IS the ANCHOR.  He is our only Refuge.  This earth is not our home.  So we walk forward in JOY.  We know that Ethiopia was the next home on our pilgrimage on this earth and now we move on…to JINJA.

…for the JOY set before us…WE LOOK TO JESUS…

looking down, we see this earth–full of the people created in HIS image….i am reminded it doesn’t really matter where we put our feet, as long as we are willing to put our hearts there first…God is moving in Tacoma, WA, Senegal, North Korea, Chaing Mai, Thailand, Soddo, Ethiopia and all over the globe.  We journey to join His work in Jinja and wherever else He asks us…WE CHOOSE to follow him joyfully and obediently.

I would have never imagined 6 years ago when God called us to Ethiopia, that after 4 years we would be on another plane, to yet another East African country.  He is sovereign and we love that our lives are HIS.  We trust our Shepherd and know that He will guide and direct our steps, and our hearts to be made more like HIS!!  Thank you for journeying with us!!

Here we are arriving in Entebbe, Uganda.  Our friends and teammates picked us up in a bus.  Yep. They did!  I loved it and we felt instantly loved and welcomed!!

My amazing Mom met us in Uganda. She BLESSED US. LOVED US. SERVED US. Made us laugh, cooked us food, hugged us lots, encouraged us, reminded us of truth, and was just one of the greatest gifts God could have possibly given us during this HUGE move. 

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Uganda…we love you already.  Hope you’re ready for the Tribe!!!



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