Please pray now…God has called Dave and I to partner in one of the most eternal things I think we’ve ever been invited into…pray every knee will bow, every tongue confess…that as they HEAR, they will BELIEVE…
Dave is down South in Awassa…tomorrow morning he, along with another Doctor, and 4 evangelists will fly into a very isolated, unreached tribe in the South. Please pray as we really sense that God is moving hearts all throughout Ethiopia. Please pray that just as Jesus was ‘moved with compassion’, that my sweet husband will be too…that all of these men would be so filled and so full of Jesus that many would SEE and be HEALED…both physically and spiritually. I feel a bit stunned. I wish I could leap and shout for joy, or fall on my face in humility and awe…but I feel such a peace. At the same time, it’s something I’ve never lived through or walked through…You can have a heart broken for things you see in pictures, or stories you hear, but here, my heart is so strained all the time…I want these people to know something more than pain, or survival, or hunger…I want them to know that they have a God that stretches down from heaven to tell them He’s chosen them…to show them the extent of His love. I want them to understand the depth of love displayed on that cross…a Life given so they may have Life…I want these precious people to look past the color of Dave’s skin…to look past his skills and profession and just see Jesus. To sense the magnitude of His love for them…the extent God goes to reach His own is absolutely unbelievable to me…I am still…I am humbly grateful…I am moved by the Love of our Father…
What if we would have known a year ago, that there were thousands of people in S. ET who were waiting? What if we would have known that God would move in our lives in a way to guide us and ask us to go? What if we would have known of this awesome and humbling privilege?
Please pray with me now…God has me here with my 5 most precious gifts pouring into them as I watch God explode their hearts…making them strong in love and character…God has me here in peace and confidence…He has called me here to walk beside these 5 precious warriors and grow with them, pray hard with them for their Daddy…Pray hard with them for those outside our gates and in the areas that the Name of Jesus has not yet reached…I see their fears, at times, but more, I see their faith…I hear their precious, sincere prayers…I watch them become stronger.
Dave is being SENT out…please pray they HEAR. LET THERE BE GREAT REJOICING IN HEAVEN!! Let’s all join in crying out~~ long for more of our Father’s heart. Let’s SEEK Him for the Lost, for those waiting…those in darkness…God, don’t let us forget. Let us LONG for His kingdom to come here, now…
“…on earth as it is in heaven…”