YOU have encouraged me so much over the past 2 days…I am in AWE of our great GOD…His generosity through YOU, and His provision!! Don’t you just LOVE Him?!? I want you all to know that you are a part of something I believe is SO close to God’s heart…caring and giving to the POOR is God’s HEART for His church…thank you thank you for being faithful to that call. Dave and I have been BLOWN away…my kids and I made a graph, which I will attach–just for the pure JOY of it…we have BEEN REJOICING here in the Ayer home that GOD has POURED out!
IN LESS THAN 36 hours, God has poured out over $3000!!!! PRAISE GOD that my goals are also SO human compared to HIS extravagance! Praise God that so many of you gave so sacrificially and obediently. Thank you for your commitment to PRAY and for all the encouraging testimonies of how God is working in you, in your churches, through adoption, through missions…I love you all!!
ALSO, a Korean Doctor here has contacted a Medical Supplies provider and they are DONATING almost $4,000 worth of NEEDED medical supplies that we will be taking with us to AHOPE!!! Can you believe the ways God is moving…please be so encouraged!!
Here’s what I’ve been in this morning (in a precious moment of quiet!) The LORD commanded in Malachi 3:10
“Bring the WHOLE tithe into the STOREHOUSE, that there may be food in my house.TEST ME in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and SEE if I will not THROW OPEN THE FLOODGATES OF HEAVEN and POUR OUT so much BLESSING that you will not have room enough for it!” Let’s TEST HIM, TRUST HIM, PRAY FOR THOSE RECEIVING THIS GIFT… and SEE as HE TRANSFORMS lives, BLESSES and PROVIDES for HIS precious children in ETHIOPIA… We have NO idea how far God can use this in Africa!! I WILL report back before and after my trip…thank you for loving JESUS with me. I am SO encouraged. SO in Awe. Joy (overflowing!!) in Jesus,