And when the vessel that he made of the clay was marred in the hand of the potter, he made it again another vessel,
as seemed good to the potter to make it
Jer. 18:4 (R.V.)
God’s fairest, highest place of service in the land that lies beyond will be filled by the men and women who have been broken upon the wheel on earth. ~G. Campbell Morgan~
Over a year ago, God gave this man a new vision. It began in a deep, broken place. A place that had been left void and longing for three long years…it was a desert longing for the fresh rains…to bring a harvest in this man’s weary soul, in the body of Christ, as well as in the Kingdom.
His eyes fell upon the islands and he heard the Shepherd say, “Come.” “Come out on the waters…ask and I’ll give the nations…and you’ll know more of Me.”
He said yes. And there it began.
A vision was given and the cry of this man’s heart for the souls on the islands began to burn.
I stood beside, somewhat like Sarah next to her Abraham-man. The giant faith and vision shadowing our own like a cloud. Maybe it was doubt. Maybe just the silent, humble place of a wife walking alongside a great man.
For the past 9 months, he has prayed, and labored, and advocated, written memorandums, visited with government officials, driven, boated, walked, boda-ed…and prayed some more for hands and feet to come upon this vision.
This week, the ministry was birthed. My sweet husband who has so faithfully and diligently worked to obey, watched as the Lord breathed life into this—and somehow back into his own heart as well.
We hopped in the boat early Thursday morning—all of us eager and trusting. After a two hour sail out into the waters of Lake Victoria, we laid eyes on Kibibi Island. The silver fish laid out upon the rock made the island gloriously reflect the sun above…the boats lined the shore like soldiers ready for battle. Wooden homes were stacked along the rocky islands’ edge. This island was ready. I sensed the Holy Spirit longing to be invited in—and so we prayed and opened our hands, and watched Him wash over that place.
The day began with prayer, with welcoming, with gratitude and tribute to each person contributing…each person appreciating another. As the clinics began, I stood back in wonder. This was the body of Christ in motion. The nurses ran the clinic smoothly, giving careful attention and love to each patient. Records were made, shots were given, children were loved and blessed, vitamins and de-worming were provided for each child. One beautiful sister was outside singing, dancing and loving the children. Five evangelists sat, bibles open wide, sharing passionately the Word of God– inviting and welcoming new souls into the Kingdom. One brother walked around encouraging and offering cool water. It was all Grace, and all God in this place.
I stood and breathed in the awe and wonder at the outpouring of the Spirit over this place. It was a moving, functioning, nurturing, outpouring body. Each member doing its part—working for our KING.
That day, it was as Christ prayed for us …”May they be ONE as we are ONE.” Perfected unity is only Above, but that day we experienced some sacred moments of, ‘on earth as it is in heaven.’ The blessing of His drawing, His calling, His movement and His heart aligning for HIS OWN on this earth is a joy and fulfillment beyond compare. He has done immeasurably more than we asked, or envisioned, or imagined—for HIS GLORY and OUR JOY.
May God continue to be the HEAD
May the SPIRIT be the LIFE- BREATH
And may Jesus be our highest GOAL, and the only HOPE ANCHOR for our souls.
The Places
Malijja Wabanika
Kibbi Island
Pictures of Grace and Fun
The Line- Up for de-worming and Vitamins…
This woman–“Mama O”…she is JOY, and LOVE, and wisdom and just a very precious reflection of our Jesus.
One of the greatest joys on this earth…serving Jesus side by side with my favorite partner (sweaty though he may be!!)
Daniel and Annet the new Outreach Team Leaders!! (This was amazingly miraculous–God spoke to these 2 just three weeks before the outreaches began!! He was calling them to serve on the islands, but they weren’t sure how…GOD KNEW!! And our prayers were answered!)
My Sweet CLARE…who LOVES so deeply. Every. Single. Child.
The Immunization Team
The hour and a half commute–not so bad on this beautiful Lake Victoria!
The ride home….with fish of course. 🙂 You see people transport fish like this often in Uganda, so we thought we would give it a try.