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joy comes in the morning!!


9 years ago…in deep labor pains, I read, “Weeping (pain!) may last for a night, but JOY comes in the morning!”  It was a promise that was so true, my baby–full of DEEP JOY came into the world wanting all to know a new Life–a new Joy.

This promise has held true for me each day since…joy comes each morning.  With her early morning rising…faithful, strong life, she lifts us…she laughs, she runs, she works hard.  She nurtures, she mothers, she directs…she seeks out, she loves.  She wants to please and wants to know for herself.  She listens, she observes.  She embraces it all.  She wants to be independent, but still my little girl.

She loves to create…she is one of beauty…just as the One who formed her is full of creativity and beauty.  I love seeing how the Lord is shaping her into His image day by day.


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