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Mission Possible: Phase TWO!!


The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change [them into] cedars.     ISAIAH 9:10
For I [am] the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.        MALACHI 3:6

I am always amazed at how perfect God’s Word is for EVERY detail of my life.  Yesterday as I watched all our earthy possessions being carefully wrapped, boxed, crated and shipped away, I thought of HOW MUCH we have. I thought of how it can feel like our “life” is being shipped away, I thought of what this would look like to one of the Ethiopian families I met while in Soddo.  I thought about what I would do if the ship sank and we never saw our stuff again.  I’d be okay.  These things are not my ‘Life’, in fact, I’m wondering at how much of my true Life they steal from and distract.  Right now we are living so simply with the ‘essentials’ and I already feel a calmness and realize how much TIME it takes to manage all of these earthly things.  I’m so thankful for this move…God is using it to show me that he will take these ‘earthly bricks and cut down things in my life….to replace them with stronger, more beautifiul, and more eternal things. It’s awesome to think that our next move will (Lord WILLING) be one where we completely let go of most of our earthly possessions and GO.  I can’t wait. BUT I am excited for the next two years of God’s sweet preparation, connecting with our family, friends and church in the States and trusting HIM with the days to get ready for overseas service.  HE CHANGES NOT.  I love Him for that.

Some pics of Phase One: (prepping, cleaning, sorting, getting rid…more getting rid…garbage…and a little silliness)

PHASE TWO: Packing day…boxes, tape, paper and the overwhelming realization of how much stuff we have!! AND IT WAS HOT HOT HOT!!!

**Note to reader…these pictures make moving look like a lot of fun. It has taken me two days to recover, so pictures can be a bit deceiving ;)…we always try to make the most of it, but wow, moving is exhausting on every level.  The ARMY wants to make us stronger, right ?!?!  I am now ready for the 3 weeks to mentally prepare for Phase THREE…which is of course the longest and most challenging leg of this journey…moving 5 small children, two adults, 3 carseats, a stroller, and a few suitcases from Taegu, to Seoul, to Hawaii, then back to Ft. Lewis!! I KNOW it can be done!! GO TEAM AYER!!!  By God’s grace alone!!  He continues to speak to my heart, “ONE DAY AT A TIME…MY GRACE IS ALWAYS SUFFICIENT.”


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