I walked with my 5 this morning…tromping through the woods felt freeing. It was life-giving. We were thanking the Giver of Life as we saw all the new life He is bursting forth in Spring!
I love this season right now outside…it helps me see more clearly. He is putting to death so much in me…in my family…the winter has been long…but now, Spring presses in…new life is coming out of the old. I love helping me kids see…and I love it when they help me to see. We ran along the path, shouting “New Life!” whenever we spotted it! We were treasure hunters! Seeking the Lord wherever He could be found…
So much in me is ready and waiting to burst…I know that God is preparing…getting the soil ready…filling us…pouring out Light…clearing away what needs to be removed…letting us know some struggles and pain…releasing and receiving. It is all from Him.
My Bible Study group studied Matthew 13 on Friday night…about the seeds that fell along the path…the rocks…the thorns…and the good soil…Jesus spoke clearly to me…How do you see me? How do you hear me? Are you really understanding and perceiving all I AM? I want to SEE. I want to LISTEN. I’m ready for the renewing of my mind and spirit. I am ready for all I know to be altered if it is for Him. I am ready to reshape my attitude, my thinking, my days. I am ready to HEAR and follow. I want the new life.

Lord, open my eyes and my ears to you. The OLD has gone the NEW has come…The earth declares YOUR glory. A seed must fall to the ground and die before it can spring up with new life…