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Riah’s healing–week one.

I just wanted to post quickly to thank you all for your prayers for Riah.  God is choosing to do a miracle in her before our eyes.  The last 3 days have been really difficult for her.  She has been fairly needy, barely able to walk and very weepy.  She just needed a lot of TLC and PRAYER.  Thankfully, my mom has been with me–again according to God’s gracious provision.  Today, Riah was back to her happy, sweet self and was able to walk around alot today!! I’m so thankful.  It was hard to see her crawling everywhere and unable to even stand.  I’m sure the stretching of her muscles and the Botox are so much for a little body to handle.  Please continue to pray.  God is showing us His power and love through this…in so many ways.  I will share more as this story unfolds, but it is much more than a precious little leg that He is healing.  I’m so thankful for how He is bringing restoration–physically and spiritually in our lives.  TO HIM BE THE GLORY!

Friday morning…cast #2–thank you for praying a spirit of PEACE over Riah during that appointment!


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