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Tanzania Bound

HELLO Dearest Friends and Family,

We love you and greet you in the fullness of joy and peace in Jesus! We have some news…and it feels really big, really exciting and I guess—what we're created for.

We are committing to head back to our beautiful continent of Africa next summer —August of 2023! God has had us on a deep journey of simultaneous healing and preparation over these past 4 years and we feel humbled and eager to get back to serving Him overseas. We have asked Him for clear direction and for Him to shape our vision and our passion to be aligned with His. We have asked for humility and deep dependence. Dave and I both feel so unworthy of this calling, but also so, so privileged. Each of our children have also given their 'YES', to go and be apart of what God is asking. We are in awe of their hearts of obedience and faith! We know HE is worthy, and so are the people He has asked us to go and love. We sense that we are to be placed strategically in a mission hospital setting where there is a team, fellowship in this calling, a place that gives framework and stability and a place where our family is able to minister together. But we've also asked God to plant us near those who have not yet heard the Gospel. We long for others to know the ONE Joy and Hope in our lives.

Which country this time, you may ask? God has spoken clearly to us in many ways and over quite a few years about a little mission hospital in a remote area in Tanzania.

We have said yes and tomorrow, Dave begins the long journey back for his first visit to Kigoma, Tanzania. He will be meeting a team there who works in Kigoma Baptist Hospital and also ministers to many unreached in the surrounding areas.

Dave will be on the ground for about 11 days (he flies to Doha, then into Dar es Salaam, then a hop flight across to Kigoma) We truly covet your prayers over this time. Specifically for:

  • A heart and eyes like Jesus

  • To be able to discern how to move and minister in the Spirit of God while he's there

  • For deep connections and a sense of passion and love for the people in this region.

  • For God to show him tangible things that will help with our families' move next summer

  • That he would be able to minister to and encourage the M-team in Kigoma

And would you also please PRAY hard over the rest of our tribe here -and in Ohio?

  • Pray for our family to be so deeply united in prayer and call and team work during these 2 weeks Dave is away.

  • Please pray for strength and grace for me to parent well (in HIS power)

  • Please pray for Ella as she is in the throws of her pre-med classes and really longs to be apart of this piece of the journey with us!

  • Pray for the kids' hearts and minds—protection from attack (especially with sleep and nightmares)

  • For the kids' schooling: that they KNOW and LOVE God more through it all!

  • Praise God with us for the gift of Language Teachers (HERE from our home church—Paul and Cathy!) Pray that we are able to learn Swahili this year as a family.


Our new format for newsletter/updates moving forward is called E-pistle. It is a brilliant and user-friendly form of communication for missionaries!! We are excited about being faithful in our letters this year as we prepare! Follow the easy steps in the Epistle instructions so none of our messages end up in your 'junk' folder!

If you'd like to hear more details or have any questions PLEASE reach out! We are so thankful for such an incredible "cloud of witnesses" and encouragers around our life. We do not and cannot walk alone. We are deeply grateful for each of you.

For His Glory and His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven,

—The Ayer Tribe —

Dave, Jewels, Ella, Caleb, Maija, Riah, Evie, Selah, Isaiah and Josiah

**This video is INCREDIBLE and gives you some pictures of the people, the heart and the vision of this precious place and community.


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