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This is a very HUGE, PUBLIC, HEARTFELT, AWE-FILLED Thank you to the hundreds of you that gave to the Lord so our home could be built in Soddo!! We are in awe that all of our funds are in (in just 6 weeks!!) What an extravagant God we have…and what FAITHFUL, OBEDIENT servants He has made in all of you!!

Handwritten, individual thank yous will be on the way, but that will take me awhile!! (joyfully!!) But this is to recognize the goodness and grace of our Savior through so many obedient hearts…thank you all so much!! And look…what’s already happening!!!

This is a picture from a few weeks ago—these precious people in Ethiopia are working hard (with SHOVELS) to did out the foundation of the duplex that will be built here…please REJOICE with us and pray as the foundation is laid, that it will be a solid one…that God will continue to BUILD this home…that we will not labor in vain and that we will all be BUILT UP IN HIM…That this home will be a place of love, a place of refuge and worship and a sanctuary for our family, as well as many others who God brings through our front door!  We are so thankful…


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