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This week’s graces

Homeschool Week…

This has been such a special week here in Soddo-town.  I am seeing God’s countless gifts to me…It’s funny when your agenda gets erased and suddenly things seem so clear.  God’s plan was for Dave to be here. Not Sudan.  He has had 22 inpatients this past week…he has had many losses.  He has had some incredibly difficult cases.  I’ve been sick with migraine, hives, Maija had the flu and Caleb has been sick.

This week though has been a breath of Life and encouragement to me as I teach all these little hearts here.   A precious family and 3 teachers came down from Bingham Academy just to bless, support, encourage and pour into all of our families here on the compound. It has proven to be a great week for all of us! My kids have loved having 6 other kids here.  Ella has been blessed with some “big girl” time J!  Maija has gotten to know another sweet MK from down country and Caleb has had some boys to play with again.  The littles have been so loved on and been so entertained with new activities, books, games and attention!! I haven’t seen my kids much at all after lunchtime each day!  It has given me a chance to take a breath, reflect and get some fresh ideas.  I have felt so encouraged in what these ladies have brought for homeschool, mission life and just as friends in Jesus.

I’ve watched my kids laugh and run and play and write and read and be taught by others.  I’ve had women to talk and share with, be in the Word with, share ideas and resources with, and to remind me of much TRUTH. God is so sweet.  His love for us as we serve Him truly places me in awe.  His kindness is beautiful.  I feel so privileged by the Life He has given me here and then He gives more.  He supports me more.  He gives me help and joy and peace and extra hands.  He allowed Dave to stay alongside me here.  He has given Dave wisdom and guidance and comfort in this challenging week.  He has given me precious friends here on this compound to do life with, in a deep way. He’s teaching me to LOVE teaching and learning alongside my kids.  He’s teaching me to show more grace, to myself and to others.  He’s teaching me how dependent I MUST be on Him. How careful I must be to STAY IN HIM.  He’s showing me His plans as He gently unfolds the layers day by day.

Life in Ethiopia is challenging, exhausting, and often very much like “Ground hog’s day” for me,  day after day, but I’m learning that HE IS NEW EVERY DAY.  He has slowed me down enough to know Him in new ways here…and prayerfully, my kids are seeing the Face of their Father tangibly day in and day out.



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