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To breathe His last…A way to GIVE BREATH.

He breathed His last breath of Life for us… In the midst of Lent, we learn a deep lesson about life and breathing.  Many babies are dying here because of a lack of resource to oxygen.  I have taken breathing for granted, I’m sure…but here, Dave sees on average one baby die each week due to an inability to breathe.   I can’t even imagine watching little ones grasping for air and then losing their life in my arms.

We are learning about the Giver of Life.  How He gives and takes away.  How He truly is the Healer—the Sovereign One over each life He creates or draws back to Himself. But, my husband is here to help and to bring healing when he can, so he decided to fight against the enemy taking so many little ones too early here-by taking their breath.  He decided to fight.  He came home one night and said,  “I just need to get mad at this, not throw a helpless pity party.  I need to get the tools here so I can do everything I know I can do to help.” 

We discussed this for awhile and decided to try and make some special breathing machines for babies, called CPAP.  This was an amazing attempt as a family—we were all so excited, but there were some problems with the machines and they would not allow air to go in both directions.

Just as Dave was looking at our budget and seeing if we could afford to buy some 3rd world CPAP machines, we received a precious email.  There is a family who adopted 2 boys from Soddo many years ago.  Their son, J, is turning 9 and wanted to ‘give his birthday’ away this year!  He wrote to Soddo Christian Hospital to see if there were any needs he could try to meet with his birthday!! I absolutely LOVE kids like this—I love their hearts…I love how God creates hearts like HIS…that beat for the things that His beat for.

The TOTAL for 3 CPAP machines, which is Dave’s hope is a little over $8000!! This little boy thought he could raise money for one, but was hoping and praying to raise enough for all 3….he’s at $6000 now!!! And his birthday is approaching.  I believe that God would love to do this for this little boy—to pour out more faith, more generosity, more JOY into this gift…and I believe He would love to touch the people of Soddo with these tools.

 This GOOD Friday…

Let’s together make this little boy’s birthday prayer become a reality…and let’s give this gift of LIFE and BREATH to precious lives here in Soddo!!

Here’s J’s letter…so inspiring.

Here’s where you can give.  ALL to JESUS.


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