Happy Mothers’ Day!!
I have been blessed beyond words by the two women God has chosen to be my moms on this earth…this is the overflow of my time in prayer and thanksgiving to God for Mom and my Mom-in-Law.
From the first bump inside your tummy to kissing chubby cheeks…
from the hours of singing, bouncing, persevering just for a 20 minute nap…
from the endless moments of love and encouragement, teaching and discipline…
from the joys of sandboxes, reading bookie after bookie, creating, playing, bug-finding, gardening…
from the sorrows of skinned knees, hurt feelings, the loss of buzz-buzzes and many hamsters…
then to the gradual release–walking me into preschool day after day–helping me to gently learn to fly…
walking beside me through school, friends, summer vacations, bad attitudes, and silly girl shopping sprees…
then to a season when I now recognize the sacrifice, grace and forgiveness you poured out to me day after day…
as I flew from home, my heart was secure in your love, encouraged and confident of your loving arms always there–
even through joys of independence, the deep grief of losses new to me, you were faithful and a constant.
Now as a mom, with a deeper understanding of the depth of love, selflessness and joy that comes through the miraculous gift of your child, I can say thank you to Jesus in an awe filled and humble way for the mom he chose for me…You are the instrument God chose to nurture my heart, the example He chose to set before my eyes, the love He knew my spirit would need…you are the vehicle He chose to show me Himself, through His Word and through your life lived in faithful obedience. I love you Mom and thank our Heavenly Father for all He so beautifully created in and through you.
To my Mom-in-law…
Today as I looked into the eyes of your sweet son, I was struck by the power of your love and influence over this now incredible young man.
I wish I could look back in time and see the joy on your face the first time you held your ‘little turkey’ in your arms…
to watch as you selflessly and tirelessly gave to him and your other children…
I imagine your delight, the depth of your love and incredible connection with each of your little hearts…
I would have loved to see those bare feet in and out of your house, the laughter and joys within your walls.
I wish I could see you run David up and down that driveway, creatively handle his strong will and save him from many close calls with destruction!
And then I wish I could somehow see how you so beautifully nurtured this young boy’s heart to be so disciplined, so strong inside of himself, so confident and yet so humble….how you grew a young man of faith and love…a man of devotion and profound commitment…I see all of these qualities so evidently in you, Sue and I am so thankful that God chose you to be David’s mom and to pour out so much of your life into his.
For 10 years now, I have experienced a total acceptance and love from you. Thank you. You have embraced me and our marriage. You have had to release so much of your heart and I know and understand that…Thank you for loving me, for loving our marriage and now our really big family :)! Thank you for being the second mom God chose for me to have through marriage and having children of our own. I love the kindred-ness we share about our children–how you understand and are so creative in the ways you love and embrace each one of us. I love you and celebrate you today.
To all the MOMs who have beautifully touched my life and influenced my heart… I love you and praise God for you, May your children rise and call you blessed and may you be encouraged today as you look beyond the day to day and see the eternal! Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. –Elizabeth Stone
And to all of you fellow Adoptive Mommies out there… I praise God for you, for choosing to be obedient to the call to care for HIS children. You have been chosen for a purpose that in my eyes is one of the highest, greatest and most eternal. May HE strengthen you with His grace and FILL you with His love. Happy Mommy’s Day! Becoming a mother makes you the mother of all children. From now on each wounded, abandoned, frightened child is yours. You live in the suffering mothers of every race and creed and weep with them. You long to comfort all who are desolate. -Charlotte GrayTO MY OWN PRECIOUS CHILDREN…Today, God reminded me of the unique, beautiful masterpiece in each of you…how He CHOSE us–you for me and me for you. I can’t wrap my mind or heart around the extent of His love in this. Thank you for giving me the gift of being a mommy.I love you Ella- bug, Buddy, Mai-Mai, Riah and Evie-bear!!! “CHILDREN ARE A HERITAGE FROM THE LORD– A REWARD FROM HIM” Psalm 127:3