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A week of Gratitude…

“In everything, GIVE THANKS, for THIS IS GOD’S WILL for YOU in CHRIST JESUS.” I Thes. 5:18 Another INSPIRATION from one of my spiritual heroes and mentors, Dr. Thrasher…He suggests reading through Colossians during the week leading up to Thanksgiving and write down all of our spiritual blessings in Christ.  It is powerful…Here’s my list just from Chapter ONE!  I pray this will bring you to a place of Gratitude and WORSHIP. COLOSSIANS 1 –GIVING THANKS FOR… 1.    The HOPE laid up for us in Heaven. 2.    We have heard the WORD of TRUTH in the Gospel 3.    The GOSPEL is bearing fruit and growing into the whole world 4.    The GRACE of God in Truth and in our lives 5.    He has QUALIFIED us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. 6.    He has DELIVERED us from the domain of darkness 7.    He has TRANSFERRED us to the kingdom of his beloved Son 8.    We have REDEMPTION–the forgiveness of sins, IN CHRIST! Because of CHRIST WE HAVE…: 1.    An image of our Invisible GOD…the Firstborn of ALL creation. 2.    A universe that was created in and through Him. 3.    ALL things being held together. 4.    Our HEAD of the Body of Christ. 5.    The Beginning 6.    The FULLNESS of  God in a contented dwelling place 7.     RECONCILIATION! 8.    Peace with HIM by the blood of His cross 9.    Been presented  HOLY and blameless and above reproach before Him. I REJOICE 1.    I rejoice in my sufferings for HIS sake. 2.    I rejoice in making the Word of God fully known 3.    I rejoice in the mystery hidden for ages past, but is NOW revealed to us His saints. 4.    I rejoice in the riches of the GLORY of this mystery…which is CHRIST IN YOU, the HOPE of GLORY. Christ Jesus lives in me and in you, dear friend…never forget the blessing, power and responsibility that TRUTH holds!


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