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Can I learn this love?

Can I learn this? Can I learn to SEE Him in this woman crouched beneath a ragged blanket, who can’t look me in the eyes?  Can I learn to Love Him through this mommy huddled with her two children, begging for their daily survival?  Can I learn to serve Him when He is dirty and he holds out a hand with fingers eaten by disease?  Can I learn to press in and love when she looks at me with hatred in her eyes and makes that sound–that sound used here for disapproval? I will learn this love.  I can love because He first loved me.  I love because it is Christ in me that gives me new eyes…new sight.  It is His Life in me that can overflow.  It is His power that enables me to be moved with gut wrenching compassion.  It is His Word that explains why these precious people are His royalty.  They should be mine too.


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