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Catching up for JUNE!!

I realize I have not written in over a month. Bad. Very Bad.  I want to be more faithful in this record and sharing of our lives…so I’ll have to do a brief update here…as much for my own family records as for anyone else reading along with the journey.

This thing –Life–is crazy and wonderful and unpredictable and full.  My life is FULL of the grace of God. When I take a moment to look back of a month or a month and a half, I have to stop and give praise to My Sustainer, My Provider, My Strength, My Joy…Having my husband gone for 9 months and learning more of who Jesus is has captured my heart…Our lives have been anything BUT calm and consistent in so many ways but HE ALWAYS IS.  Amidst many changes, many transitions, many waves…HE STILL IS….constant, faithful, unmovable.  I love Him for that.

So, back to our crazy life~At the end of May we made the long journey back from Colorado…It felt so good to be home and even better to be almost done with our family being separated for a season!!  Here’s some pictures of that adventure!! Again, to maintain all of our sanity, we sent Evie with her personal flight chaperone (SUPER NANNA!!)  The rest of us piled in the Green Rocket for another long car ride…we actually had such a fun and peaceful trip.  I think the kids knew what they were in for this time (and they were super happy that Daddy was along this time :)!

Highlights for JUNE include OUR HERO HOME FOR GOOD!!! We are just in total awe and gratitude for God protecting and carrying us all safely through this past year! I LOVE HAVING MY BEST FRIEND HOME.  Oh, he’s the best.

Before Dave was technically HOME, WE met in Tupelo, Mississippi and ATTENDED AN AMAZING WEEK  AT OUR MISSIONS’ HOME OFFICE!!

Here's our NEW precious FAMILY at Global...these friends are sharing Jesus all over the world!! WE LOVE YOU!!

God is SO good! Here are our new friends who will be serving at the Korean Mission Hospital in Addis Ababa! We praise God for you, Chi and Sandy!

Dave and I attended an awesome Training with Global Outreach International (our sending agency).  We were blessed, encouraged and equipped for what lies ahead this year. We are beginning our Support Team raising in this year to move towards taking our family to Ethiopia!! We are SO READY and SO EXCITED to watch God pour out this year!! If you’re interested in hearing more about this, please email us at  We’d love to connect with you and share what God is doing in our lives!!


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