This deserves a VERY long post…which will come….later.
But for now, we are SO grateful to have a very sleepy, jet-lagged, sick…oh-so-wonderful husband and daddy home. His heart is set on Jesus and on Ethiopia. I love it! He had an amazing trip on many many levels…I can’t wait for us to have a night to share the heart, the stories and the pictures…
For now I will write the quotables by the fabulous 5….just so I don’t forget…
1st night home…
Maija (SO hyper…) She ran up to Dave and I in the kitchen, with very dramatic arm motions…”Ummmmm, okay, Mommy and Daddy, I know that you guys have a lot of –you know–compromising and stuff to do, so I’ll just go bounce in the garage!”
Ella…”Daddy? Are you going to shower?”
Riah…we were eating dinner…Dave, Riah and I were left….Riah was eating so slowly- gazing at her Daddy…I said, “Riah, please take a bite.” She just looked down at her food, got a huge grin and said (just like a Southern Baptist ;)) “Praise the Lord!”…It was hilarious.