Our fun, crazy family vacation…it was filled with JOY this year as all of our kids were big enough to delight in the camping experience…boating, inner-tubing, marshmallow roasting, 7 in a tent…eating delicious food and days filled with family and God’s beautiful creation. It was a time of focus and refreshment for us.
Thank you, Lord, for your goodness to us.
Some things to remember this year…
After 21 years, our faithful boat “The Four Winns” pulled her last skier, very appropriately, my amazing Dad. It was so sad to say good bye,, not so much to the boat, but to an era of sweet memories and fun.
Dave to the RESCUE!! My amazing husband drove 5 hours to rent a boat so that we could continue our week of skiing 🙂 He’s so awesome. My hero!!
Ella and Caleb learned to SKI!!
All of the Fabulous 5 kids went on the inner-tube!! Can you believe our 2 year old!!??! AND Riah, who two years ago could not even touch water was out there without fear!! It was so fun to watch them all out there with Daddy!!
It was a precious week with my Dad and Mom, Auntie and my Uncle Tom and Aunt Irene…the kids were LOVED ON!! And our family was focused and refreshed!!