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First week in Soddo…Perfect Provision



I am in awe of God’s perfect provision and gifts…my house helper said this morning (translating loosely from Amharic J) “The Lord has good ideas!” …he does and surprises me by how well He cares for me and my children…and dave.

Dave: We arrived in Soddo Friday. We spent our weekend doing Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Cleaning in our home—moving back in, resettling…MONDAY, he went back to work!! Dave’s greatest concern and prayer request heading back in to work was for how his tender heart would respond to death here. He was hoping for a few days to ease back into his life, ministry and medicine. God had another plan. The first two days, Dave was called in for critical patients…both ended up going to Heaven. What I saw was Dave grieve, and then press in once again to being HIS. God reminded Him through the Word that all belongs to His Sovereign Hand and that WE SERVE HIM. We ARE NOT IN CONTROL…He is. So we rest and pour out and thank Him.

Jewels: I’ve spent the week ransacking the Homeschool Nook!! It looked like a bomb went off for a few days, but I can now see the floor and the shelves!! All curriculum is in place…now I just have to LOOK at it, and do some planning ;)..but guess what God did for me??!?

  1. God brought two precious women to Soddo this year to help the Gabrysch family to teach their children…right away they welcomed my kids in and they’ve been going every morning to a little kindergarden community school J…even the bigs have been going to be ‘helpers’. IT has given me so many hours to prep!! A TOTALLY UNEXPECTED GIFT and provision…so I feel a bit crazy, but not as crazy as I would have!

  2. I’m already set up with a language tutor to begin Amharic studies again next week!!

  3. Ella is amazing…she helps so much with Selah, and she has great ideas for our school year!

  4. Selah has adjusted beautifully and is sleeping LONG through the night!!

  5. I am soooo blessed to have help in my home with the garden, cooking, cleaning!! I am getting back in the groove, but it is WORK :)!!

KIDS: They are HAPPY!! And tired!! They are all crashed out by 8 o’clock every night…the first two days back in Soddo, I didn’t see them!! They were outside the entire day!! They love to play with the dogs, climb the trees…play, play, play…they come in red (from the mud), hungry and exhausted!! They have really connected great with the other kids on the compound and are loving being HOME.

Ella: “Momma, I like our life better here…it is so beautiful.”

Caleb: “Mommy, I feel like myself again.”

I love their hearts and love seeing how God has equipped them for this calling. Amazing. Thank you ALL who love and support us through PRAYER…we desperately need it. And are so grateful for EACH OF YOU.  Let’s LOVE DEEPLY. Show Christ.  Pray.  Pour out.  Smile and BE GRATEFUL….just like this one…

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