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Harvest at Home…

SALVATION COMES… Thanksgiving Eve, I went to bed after writing the story of how God first showed Himself to the T’ara tribe…as I laid down, God impressed upon my heart that ‘the harvest was ready in my home as well’…I prayed..and thought through this through the whole night…the next day was filled with school, preparations and fun…I made a special family meal, the kids decorated the table and we set out traditional 3 kernels of corn on each plate to remember and give thanks. As we sat down and the kids started sharing their hearts and the people, things, experiences they were thankful for, God brought back to my mind, “The Harvest.” It came to Maija–our little joy-child. She began with 3 kernels of corn, which erupted into an endless list of thanks pouring from her sweet heart…she soon got to giving thanks for Jesus and that He loved her…that He died for her. I simply asked, “Maija, are you ready?” “Are you ready to say ‘Yes’ to Jesus and ask Him into your heart?” Her precious face lit with a beautiful smile…eyes twinkling with deep joy! “YES!”, she said and lept onto my lap, tears forming in all of our eyes…Faith is like this–a leap.  A deep breath of recognition…a readiness and then the choice to set your whole self to flight.  The choice to jump and not look back–to trust in something bigger and more worthy and stronger than your own heart…She kneeled beside Daddy and I on the floor, next to this table full of thanks…full of provision…full of all that God has done, and she prayed. She prayed a prayer that changes everything. An eternal moment that will forever be etched into every season of Thanks giving. It was perfect and precious and a gift. God reaching down, when we’re thanking Him and again reminding us that HE is the Giver of it all..He chooses, He calls, He draws each heart–in His timing and in His Grace. He is the Savior and the lover of my little girl’s soul..and on this Thanksgiving He drew her, gave her the gift of eternity in her heart. She looked up, golden hair around a face lit up like an angel…tears in her eyes…she buried her face deep in my neck and said,

“Mommy, I have such happy tears right now!”

“We’re all going to heaven together!”

She walked around our table, whispering a blessing into each family member’s ear…

to her big sister, Ella, she whispered from the depths of her soul, “I hope we die holding hands.”

As we sat again and enjoyed the delight of this moment, we began talking more of Jesus, what He really gave. Maija reminded us how God had to turn away from His Son, so that He could save us. Can you imagine that kind of love? So, we gave thanks in a new, and deeper way with God’s love for our Maija this year. We thanked Him for the gift of salvation…for that kind of Love…for drawing our family…for His gift of grace…for His timing and His harvest here, now.

…Praise the Giver of every good and perfect gift with us!

…As Advent begins, in our hearts, we are loving Jesus’ coming…his entering into new lives and new places…

It is this JOY…of being HELD secure…that brings this smile, this peace…knowing she is IN HER Daddy’s arms–for all eternity.

“I have engraved you on the palm of My hand…you are Mine…”

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