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Jesus…He captured my heart again.

Does that ever happen to you?  When you least expect it…or sometimes when you need it the most.

I had 30 minutes tonight of alone time! I got to for a jog… I ran up to the hill above my house where I could look up at our beautiful Ap’San Mountain. It is alive with Spring and vibrant with every color of green.  As I ran, all of my senses were filled with the glory of creation.  My sun-kissed cheeks were delighted with the warmth of the breeze…I could smell the trees’ perfume mixed with a delicious smell of barbeque…it took me back to the sweet childhood days running with abandon through the flowery hills of the Big Horn Mountains.  There was no one crying in my ears, no one needing me–for just a few moments, I was able to hear the sweet voice of Jesus.  His extravagant love for me overwhelmed me like it hasn’t in a long time.  He captured my heart again.  I felt liberated–almost like I could fly!!  Thank you, Jesus…for giving me the strength and ability to run with you.  He reminded me that the upcoming weeks are a trial ‘run’ with him…that HE does not grow weary, that HE will supply…He will strengthen this weary child–love me–pour out to me as I pour out to Him.

If you know Jesus, I pray today you have a moment to sit in His presence–or maybe run with Him and know HIS extravagant love for you…If you don’t know Jesus, please know He loves you–you’ve already captured HIS heart and He longs for you to know His love and power in you. Trust that you are deeply loved today by a Savior who gave His very life for you–that your life has a purpose and there is beauty in and around you!

“How great the Father’s LOVE He has lavished upon us, that we should be called CHILDREN OF GOD…and that is what YOU are.”


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