We praise God for bringing my precious husband out of the desert!! AND BACK HOME TO US..if only for 4 short days…
The events of our lives for the past week have been crazy, intense, wonderful, bittersweet…full of God’s grace.
YES, Dave is out of Iraq…YES, it was a month earlier than anticipated!! For those of you who are totally confused, welcome to my life!! Those of you in the army totally understand! Dave is connected to a large combined unit out of Ft. Carson, Co…so though he is out of the desert, he is not HOME with us until June…:( This is very hard and we covet your prayers for the second half of our ‘deployment’.
We are so thankful for God’s mercy and protection over him and his entire unit…I experienced a real Homecoming as I had the opportunity to fly down to Colorado and welcome my soldier home…it was a movie-like 2 hours of my life…that was quickly interrupted by the demands of the army…oh well…it was a good movie!! I loved the feeling of hearing inspiring country songs about my soldier and being proud to be an American…so thankful for all the men and women who really have given their lives to protect our freedom….but overwhelmingly in the sea of camoflauge, I just wanted to find Dave and be safe in his arms…it was awesome and emotional and something I will never forget. Even more than this gratitude and emotion, I was overwhelmed by Jesus…that HE is the One who died for me…and has fought my daily battles, rejoiced with me, wept with me, comforted me and given me reason to sing.
Dave and I flew home together two days later…to embrace the tribe…it was oh so sweet. SO precious to see the kids faces looking their daddy over from head to toe. Evie and Riah couldn’t stop looking at his face–making sure he was real, I think! The big kids were so so excited. Our weekend was amazingly ‘normal’ and very bittersweet. We really just snuggled, tackle-hugged, feasted on daddy’s yummy favorite foods and cherished the moments…I loved it…I LOVE my husband. My family felt so complete for those four days…it was such a gift. Thank you, God, for many months of answered prayers, miracles, and strength.