There is no place on this earth that reaches beyond His Love.

Over a year ago. This man of mine sat and like a little boy, shared excitedly, the vision God had given him. It was clear. It was specific. And of course, it was BIG. So I took a deep breath, and prayed to have the faith to walk into this vision beside my man.
God has taken us through more than either of us could have known or expected over this past year, but HE HAS BEEN FAITHFUL. He has proven Himself sovereign and strong. He has done this. And we really stand in awe.
The vision was for the Islands of Lake Victoria. Really for the souls there. God burdened Dave’s heart, as He has burdened many before us, to reach these precious (often forgotten) people with the Love of Christ. And so…Dave envisioned a boat. He asked God for a Boat. He asked many of you for the funds. Everyone said, “YES.” God provided the finances, God provided JAARS (an amazing team of men and women) who brought the boat to life, God provided a shipping company, God provided over and over and over.
Today the boat sits in the waters of the Port of Mombassa. Tomorrow, begins her final leg of the LONG journey from North Carolina all the way to Jinja, Uganda! Let’s pray her Here. We have named this vessel the SOLA GRATIA…”By Grace Alone”. It’s really the whole story. And it’s the message this strong boat will carry to many islands in our vast lake.
The ministry team God has formed is beautiful. The Body of Christ. These believers are passionate, committed and faithful. It has been one of the greatest gifts of our life to work alongside, to pray with, to vision with and to GO with these brothers and sisters in Christ.
Please cover SOLA GRATIA in prayer as she journeys to Jinja.
Please pray for the Islands of Hope Team. That we stay united and Gospel centered! ONE HEART AND ONE MIND!
Here’s the Antenatal Team. The amazing Anet & Margret!
The Evangelistic Team: Many members but often, Richard, Ronnie, Mama & Papa O, Pastor Stephen, and many others.
The Team ministering to people with HIV/AIDS: Daniel, Margret, Anet, Keeky, Mama O and many others… (many of these women are receiving much needed care and medication.)

Please pray for God to move mountains so the taxes can be diminished and the Islands can receive more!
