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Thoughts from Dave…

Well, I think I’m due for my annual blog post so thought I’d offer a few of the random thoughts that have been bouncing around this hollow little head of mine.

Our house sold this week–PRAISE GOD!!!  (Or the process started at least-I don’t understand it very well, but as some point we give our keys to someone else and they move in.)  We are very excited and so grateful to the Lord but between that blessing and reality that our life goes on sale next week (ie, we’re having an estate sale), it’s made me wonder something.  ARE WE NUTS?!!?! 🙂  Thankfully, I’m a pretty shallow person so my deep thoughts are brief and only a few inches in depth, however knowing that we will have ~20 bags to our name in about 2 weeks has made me pause a little.   Thankfully I was reading today in Joshua and re-read the tactically impressive battle plan which the Lord himself spoke to Joshua while he was preparing to take down Jericho.  “So I want you to march around the city once on the first day and then do it again the next day, and again, and again.  Then after doing that for 6 days straight, when everybody is pretty shot physically, go ahead and do it 7 times in one day and then blow some horns–it will easy sailing after that”.  (Dave International Version)  Nice, I’m sure that one would have gone over superbly at the start of Desert Storm or OIF.

Now don’t get me wrong, we aren’t wavering or anything (it’s more like trying to keep our heads above water) but it’s nice to know that while we are probably a little crazy–crazy with the Lord and for the Lord is good thing.  And more so it doesn’t all need to make sense to me or even feel comfort so long as the plan is His not mine–I’m ok with getting info on a need to know basis and I have all the info I need.

My heart can be summarized by a  prayer I recently hear about.  It was lifted up be a Vietnam era Marine Fighter pilot who had recently come to know the Lord and was trying to put his life back together after the war.  His bride invited him to a bible study which turned out to be attend by only women.  As things were winding down but prior to him being able to sneak out the leader asked Ted Roberts to close their time in prayer.  In utter shock and with great anxiety his words went something like this…“Well Lord, I don’t know what the hell we are suppose to do…but whatever it is, we’re in.”  🙂

love you guys–dave



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