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Mbezia & The Boat (an update from Dave)

~A post from Dave~

Life can be difficult. Sometimes the enemy comes like a flood.

But then is the time to prove our faith and live our songs.  

Amy Carmichael

(This is Mbezia, a 14 year old girl that Dave met a few months ago in the malnutrition ward of the government hospital here.  Her diagnosis is Lupus,  but has been undiagnosed and suffering over the past 3 years….We have entered into the fight with her. Here’s Dave’s latest prayer update about her.  She is truly a warrior.)

Mbezia is suffering but fighting with a joy that this world can’t understand.   Today I had the privilege of laying out His eternal truth and watching a few realities sink beneath the skin that no longer remains.  Parts of her body are literally dying before her eyes (5th digit has gangrene) but Mbezia knows she is a treasure, that this disease isn’t a punishment, and Hope is a person.   A person who loves her so deeply He choose death so He could reach into it and offer Life.   I’m not one to press for a decision, but I do believe she understands and has made hers.  Please pray as we continue to stand with her, specifically for her skin, liver, and kidneys to recover and that she remains relatively pain free with the help of lots of medications. Islands of Hope Ministry Boat Update: The boat leaves Mombassa TODAY (Tuesday 19th)…..Pray for safe journey and warrior angels to protect it.  Below is where we will moor it (FYI the boat will get placed on top of another trailer like a tractor would be).  Please pray with us about the tax issues as we bring this boat into Uganda!

  We are appealing the Tax Commissioner for a special exception but if the answer is no there aren’t other options.  My priority is remaining above reproach and now that I have seen the specific laws I have peace either way.  He isn’t nervous.  Thank you for praying with us!

sola gratia


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